DARUSSALAM | One of Syiah Kuala University achievement for a couple of decades is to prepare student to compete in an international market. Therefore, several international program using international curriculum has been developed to meet international standard. One of it is International Accounting Program (IAP) from Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics which established in 2011. Since then, this program already has three generations up to now with 53 students in total including 5 students from Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan.
Considering the importance of this program, IAP student’s approached the Syiah Kuala University Rector, Prof. Dr. Samsul Rizal office’s on Friday February 21st 2014 to bind the relationship and strengthen the vision and mission for a better program development. This meeting with theme of “IAP meets leaders” has given chance for the Rector and these international class students to share feeling and ideas about recent conditions and designing for future.
In the beginning of conversation, the Rector explained the soul of Unsyiah as ‘lovely heart of Acehnese’ so then every elements of this campus is supposed to be the pride of Acehnese by gaining achievements not only students but also lecturers. The students must have winner mentality for every academic process and competition followed and the lecturers should be more proactive in transferring their knowledge through many media available such as World Economic Forum in Switzerland etc. therefore this university will have enormous intelligent professors.
He concerns also on setting up scholarship scheme for under poverty line students so then they have similar opportunity to have qualified education including in international class in order to raise the student’s capacity. Without a doubt, next year in 2015, the ASEAN & China Free Trade Agreement with 600 million workers inside will demand high capacity human resources. Hence, the challenge is big for this university to prepare the students who will enter this global arena.
One student explained how he enjoys being a student in this international accounting program for every opportunities and facilities provided that really makes the learning environment become effective and alive. Another student expressed her desire to produce many international journals so then she will be able to attend many international forum to show the quality of Acehnese on international stage.
The Rector responded by opening opportunities for every program development through proposals submitted by students and lecturers that will be financed by university or other donor like government and non profit organizations. Rector also insisted the students and lecturers to create his or her own masterpiece amid existing limitations since no reason to give up on these limitations as he stated he was inaugurated as one of the youngest professor in Japan where he studied and worked and in Indonesia as well since he never see limitations as obstacles.
“The international program is not mine but ours”, Rector stated. He explained the vision and mission to raise Unsyiah in international level without leaving constant and significant contribution for the surrounding environment. Rector reminds everyone that this internationalisation program is not built to diminish local identity such as Islamic sharia values, attitude, culture, etc. Therefore he commits to strengthening these local values in university and building inter-faculty network relation. This visit was ended up by having a photography session and handling a placard to the Rector.
(Reported by: Dzakiyy Hadiyan Achyar, IAP 2011)